Runic Healing

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Healing Services

Baptism of Ruan
April 11th, 1998, St.Peters

Healing has come a long way over the past few decades and can now treat the patient in an integrative manner. The healing process, as in ancient times, is beginning again to comprise both biological and spiritual approaches to heal each patient.
The basis for Ruan's healing gifts have their scientific explanation within Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). The difference is that Joshua is able to apply such technologies using only his own energy field, that of the patient and the Universal Energy Field (UEF). Barbara Brennan defines clearly in her book 'Hands of Light';
UEF has been known and observed throughout the ages. It has been studied as far back in history as we are able to reach. Each culture had a different name for the energy field phenomenon and looked at it from its particular viewpoint...As the state of the art of our scientific equipment becomes more sophisticated, we are able to measure finer qualities of the UEF...Investigators of this field state (Dr. John White and Dr. Stanley Krippner) state that the UEF is basically synergistic, meaning the simultaneous action of separate agencies that together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.
Bantam Books, 1988, pp.39-40.

Natural Healing practitioners refer to such methods as 'Healing Touch' and within world religions such healing is referred to as 'Faith Healing' - however Ruan is convinced that scientific and plausible bio-medical explanations are possible and necessary for the explanation of what are commonly called 'miracles'. This does not negate the concept of 'miracle' but rather explains them within more of a traditional framework in order to facilitate their acceptance within a broader medical community.

The ultimate aim being to give the patient the capacity to take more control within their own healing. As such the patient not only becomes more aware of their recuperative role but actively participates, through an increased awareness or 'sentience', within the healing process.

Ruan also offers an intercessionary healing prayer service where he sets aside a number of hours on Sundays to pray for patient's healing.  There is no cost for this service and you can contact Ruan by e-mail. Please do so prior to the preceding Saturday evening.

Here are some examples of areas of specialization:

- Pain (Acute and Chronic)
- Seizures
- Strokes
- Cancer
- Anti-Ageing
- Parkinson's Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Schizophrenia
- Bi-Polar Disorder
- Fertility Problems 
- Malaise and Fatigue
- Arthritis
- Crohn's
- Lupus
- Cell and Tissue regeneration

If you are suffering from any of the above illnesses or something else that you feel Ruan might be able to help you with then please do not hesitate to contact him immediately.
If you have been told that your condition is 'incurable' or you are unhappy with your progress, remember that time is an essential factor and with Ruan you may be only hours away from healing and recovery.
Ruan also offers  a 'Distance Healing' service with remarkable results. Many patients have benefited from this method and continue to do so. Distance Healing costs significantly less than Ruan in person and may be  a more suitable option for those who cannot travel.

Gerontology and Longevity studies are now looking more seriously at Tyrosine Hydroxlase. Genetic inhibition of natural degeneration through inflammation can be reversed using retrograde response compensatory mechanisms.

Tyrosine Hydroxlase

Healing may occur over a short period or over a longer time frame depending on the gravity of the illness. All personal information is retained within the strictest of confidence.


Apart from 'Distance Healing' which does not require the physical presence of the healer, the patient is asked to either come to the home of Ruan or local hotel arrangements can be made. If the patient, for whatever reason, is unable to travel then the reverse applies and arrangements must be made for Ruan to come to the patient.

For any questions or to schedule an appointment please e-mail me at:
